In 1978, Black lesbian feminist poet mother warrior Audre Lorde famously wrote — the erotic is power. Lorde understood that authentic sexuality was not a superficial aside in our lives, but was in fact an inciting force that our naysayers and adversaries greatly feared. The Desire Mapping Workshop is centered in the Lordian tradition of throwing off constraining and stigmatizing ideas about sexuality and gender to claim our personal and collective power. In that, we grow our capacity to foster connection, love ourselves fully, and build transformative partnerships and movements. Desire Mapping offers a lively, experiential workshop to support the discovery our erotic truths and the expansion of our capacity to fully live our lives.


What’s the significance of taking on our emotional, social, and sexual life as a team in a time when endless war and social and economic precarity reign? As we critique extractive ownership, colonial power, and campaigns against our bodily autonomy, what if we examined our practices of love and relationship through these lenses? How might our poly-fortified personal lives fortify our movements?

 A workshop and book talk with sex activist and coach, Dr. Jaime Grant, author of Polyamory For Dummies.  Come dig into your poly potential while joining in a collective reflection on sex, desire, and expansive family-making -- the genius of surviving and thriving on more love.