Messages we can carry about sex and relationships from Great Sex: Mapping Your Desire.



In 1978, Black lesbian feminist poet mother warrior Audre Lorde famously wrote — the erotic is power. Lorde understood that authentic sexuality was not a superficial aside in our lives, but was in fact an inciting force that our naysayers and adversaries greatly feared. The Desire Mapping Workshop is centered in the Lordian tradition of throwing off constraining and stigmatizing ideas about sexuality and gender to claim our personal and collective power. When we commit to discovering and building upon our authentic desire — and stop capitulating to or parroting the wants that others have assigned us — we grow our capacity to foster connection, love ourselves fully, and build transformative partnerships and movements. Desire Mapping offers a lively, experiential workshop to support the discovery our erotic truths and the expansion of our capacity to fully live our lives.

Those of us not lucky enough to have been to a workshop benefit greatly from the offerings in this accessible workbook — Great Sex: Mapping Your Desire. With a tone that is equal parts playful, smart and inspiring, the book offers a clear path through the morass of confusing messages we’ve been told (and that we learn to tell ourselves) about our sexualities. Grant asks us to be honest about what we want and gives us a way to figure out what that could mean.
— Laura Barraclough, Professor of American Studies, Yale University